
Feb 2023
USENIX 2023 Paper submitted!

Mar 2023
My bachelor thesis submitted to Cybersecurity!

May 2023
I got accepted to GSoC 2023!

Aug 2023
Our PoBF paper was accepted to USENIX Security 2023!

Apr 2024
I am serving on the ACM CCS 2024 Artifact Evaluation Committee.

May 2024
I am about to start the internship at TikTok Inc. Excited to you guys in bay area.

Nov 2024
I am serving on the USENIX Security 2025 Artifact Evaluation Committee.

Haobin (Hiroki) Chen 

Phone: +1 812-325-6706
Address: 1664 Everett Ave., San Jose, CA 95125, USA



Hey, currently I'm a second-year CS Ph.D. student at Indiana University Bloomington advised by Prof. XiaoFeng Wang. I also work with the following intelligent folks: Mingshen Sun, Dayeol Lee, Chenghong Wang, Mike Reiter.

My research interests include systems security, particularly in the area of trusted execution environments and secure OS kernels, and formal methods for systems security.
"Algorithms are the computational content of proofs." – Robert Harper

Lemma extensionality:
  ∀ {A: Type} (x y: A) (P: A → Prop) (_: x = y) -> P x → P y.

望向星星是哪星球 它突然間飄走

Some blogs

Criticism of the article The Flawed Design of Intel TDX


Indiana University at Bloomington (IUB)
Ph.D Student in Computer Science      Aug. 2023 - 2028 (Expected), Bloomington, IN, USA
Advisor: Prof. XiaoFeng Wang


USENIX Security 2025 (Sec'25)  
Picachv: Formally Verified Data Use Policy Enforcement for Secure Data Analytics
Haobin Hiroki Chen, Hongbo Chen Mingshen Sun, Chenghong Wang, XiaoFeng Wang.
Cybersecurity 7, 15 (2024).
Revisiting frequency-smoothing encryption: new security definitions and efficient construction
Haobin Chen, Yue Yang, Siyi Lv.   
USENIX Security 2023 (Sec'23)  
A Verified Confidential Computing as a Service Framework for Privacy Preservation
Hongbo Chen, Haobin Hiroki Chen, Mingshen Sun, Kang Li, Zhaofeng Chen, XiaoFeng Wang.      


  • Program Committee Member @ ACM CCS AEC 2024, USENIX Security AEC 2025
  • Reviewer @ IEEE TIFS, Peej Computer Science
  • Work Experiences

    Research Intern @ Privacy Innovation Lab, TikTok Inc., San Jose, CA, May 2024 - Aug 2024
    Supervisors:Dayoel Lee and Mingshen Sun

    • PrivacyGo: Data Clean Room. We are working together on TikTok's Data Clean Room (DCR) where researchers can investigate the user data on TikTok and perform analysis inside a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on Cloud (e.g., Google Cloud) using a two-stage development pipiline.
    • Taverns. Remote attestation is the cornerstone of the security of TEEs, but the verification process is not transparent to the users as it is now delegated to centralized services, often due to business and technical reasons. We propose Taverns, a novel mechanism for "untrusting" the server while still leveraging its computational power.

      Check out Mingshen's talk at Confidential Computing Summit 2024. We are planning to open-source the project and make it a CCC project, part of Linux Foundation, and an initial technical report will be released soon. We are working on a full-conference paper for Taverns.
    Contributor, Remote @ GSoC & ASF, Jun. 2023 - Nov. 2023
    Advisior: Mingshen Sun
    Code: GitHub
      Apache Teaclave (incubating) is an open source universal secure computing platform, making computation on privacy-sensitive data safe and simple. Our goal is to make the computation on the Teaclave platform privacy policy (or legal regulations) compliant because emphasis on privacy concerns is becoming more significant.

    Academic Experiences

    Research Assistant, @ IUB, Aug. 2023 -
    Advisior: Prof. XiaoFeng Wang
    • Developing cutting-edge technologies for enforcing data use policies in TEEs.
    • Working on heteregenous TEE platforms (e.g., SGX, TrustZone, SEV) and developing a unified framework for privacy-preserving computation.
    • Applying formal methods (e.g., program analysis, type system, proof assistant) to TEEs.
    Research Assistant, Remote @ IUB, Jul. 2022 - July 2023
    Advisior: Prof. XiaoFeng Wang (Center for Distributed Confidental Computing (CDCC))
    Code: GitHub
    • Proof of Being Forgotten. This is a Rust-SGX based verification framework for TEE-enabled computing platforms. Our goal is to offer an off-the-shelf solution for providing users that the enclave application is verified under the specifications of Proof of Being Forgotten (PoBF) (check the talk offered by Dr. Mingshen Sun).
    Research Intern, Nankai University & Huawei Inc., Sept. 2020 - Aug. 2022
    Advisior: Prof. Zheli Liu (Data Privacy Lab)
    Code: GitHub1 ; GitHub2
    • Encrypted Database. Our goal is to construct a fully encrypted database that allows for efficiency query on ciphertext while providing strong security guarantees with the support of TEEs (e.g., Intel SGX).
    • Next-Generation Oblivious RAM. Our goal is to design Oblivious RAM with the support of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and provide protection against access pattern leakage for the databases.
    • Searchable Symmetric Encryption. Our goal is to design a more secure SEE algorithm both backward and forward secure.
    • Frequency Smoothing Encryption. To fix the loopholes incurred by insecure deterministic encryptions, we propose the frequency-smoothing notion that "smooth"es out the frequency information of the ciphertext dataset that mitigates inference attacks.

    Open-Source Projects

    Oblivious-RAM: Reference Implementation for Different ORAM algorithms
    Code: GitHub
    Implemented the following ORAM algorithms:
    NeoOS: A tiny OS kernel for x86-64
    Code: GitHub
    Awesome features:
    • X2Apic support
    • Can boot multiple CPU cores; SMP scheduling coming soon
    • Apple Filesystem (APFS) support (although at an early stage)
    • Unix syscall support
    • Support for many user-level apps: Rust, C, busybox, nginx, etc.
    • (To be done) Support SGX driver
    This project was launched mainly because I wanted to build an OS from scratch to learn the details on how OS works. A long-term goal that I want to achieve is to build a kernel (microkernel, very likely) to serve as a meditator for running multiple TEEs (SEV, TDX, SGX, TrustZone) on a single machine using Rust, and many components from this kernel can be used to ease the build of a new kernel.
    Prusti: A static verifier for Rust
    Code: GitHub
    Contributed to the project launched by ETHz.
    Code: GitHub
    An implementation of the paper SEAL: Attack Mitigation for Encrypted Databases via Adjustable Leakage.
    C compiler for ARM-v7 architecture
    Code: GitHub
    A compiler for SysY (a C-like language).
    We used Bison as front-end parser and mimicked LLVM to implement the CodeGen.
    A Novel Cryptographic Primitive for Encrypted Databases
    Code: GitHub
    We propose a notion of frequency-smoothing encryption that aims to strike a balance between security and data utility. The code is a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) and is written in Rust, backed by MongoDB.


    ACM CCS Distinguished Artifact Reviewer,   2024   
    Distinguished Thesis Honor  2023   
    - Nankai University, China
    The 3rd Prize and Regional Outstanding Award at the National Contest for OS Design and Implementation (as mentor)  2023   
    - China
    Nankai Academically Excellent Student Scholarship,   2022, 2021   
    - Nankai University, China
    Nankai Innovation Award of Technology and Research Scholarship  2022, 2021   
    - Nankai University, China
    The 3rd prize at the National College Student Information Security Contest,   2021   
    - Ministriy of Education, China


    Hongbo Chen(IUB); Haosen Guan (Princeton); Xin'an Emmanuel Zhou (UCR); Hang Yang (GaTech); Mingshen Sun (TikTok Inc.)


    Fun facts: I can speak German (B2-C1).

    Last update: 01/17/2025. Webpage template borrows from Xiangnan He.